حصرم مخلل – Pickled unripe grapes

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الحصرم هو العنب الحامض الذي لم ينضج بعد ينظف ويوضع في عبوات ويضاف له المحلول  الملحي لمدة اسبوع يصبح جاهز للاكل

Pickled unripe grapes : are sour grapes that have not yet ripened. They are cleaned and put in containers and brine is added to them for a week, then they are ready to eat as pickle

اطلب المزيد من المعلومات


هو منتج اردني طبيعي من عجلون مصنع بحب وبطريقه يدويه بيتيه بأيدي سيدات المجتمع المحلي لتحسين اوضاعهم المادية وتمكينهم اقتصاديا وليصبحوا اعضاء فاعلين في مجتمعاتهم ولمساعدة عائلاتهم

الحصرم هو العنب الحامض الذي لم ينضج بعد ينظف ويوضع في عبوات ويضاف له المحلول  الملحي لمدة اسبوع يصبح جاهز للاكل.

يستعمل كمقبلات على السفره.

يضاف الى ورق العنب عند الطبخ ليزيد من حموضته.

فاتح شهيه وحموضته عاليه ورائعه.

It is a natural Jordanian product from Ajloun, made with love at home by the hands of the women of the local community to improve their financial conditions, empower them economically and to become active members in their communities by helping their families

Pickled unripe grapes : are sour grapes that have not yet ripened. They are cleaned and put in containers and brine is added to them for a week, then they are ready to eat as pickle.

Used as appetizers on the food table. It is added to grape leaves when cooking to increase its acidity. It is a wonderful appetizer and high acidity.

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